Our Services

Our Services2018-12-10T14:45:00+00:00

Premium Voice Termination. Direct and High Quality Routes.

Pay724 enjoys direct voice routes with full CLI support, high quality and reliable connectivity. Therefore, we have the best cost structure that allows us to provide competitive and economical rates.


Messaging & SMS Services. Direct Access, The Best Rates.

Pay724 has direct access to bulk SMS packages from all direct connect MNO’s. We use this service to connect eWallets of all those MNO’s for International use, where people can use their eWallets to send and receive airtime minutes.


Carrier Data Services. Geared towards Corporate Customers.

Pay724’s global data network is mainly used for its International Payment, Voice, Messaging and SMS usage. Customers can enjoy competitive rates by leveraging this network.


Global Payment Solutions. The most efficient way of transferring credits across MNO’s.

We are the leading International Payment Partner of many MNO’s adding value and profitability to their eWallet and SMS product portfolio.